What surgical procedures does Dr. McFaddin perform?
Dr. McFaddin primarily specializes in breast cancer-related surgeries, including Accelerated Partial Breast Irradiation catheter placement, gallbladder removal, hernia repairs, Infusaport placement and removal, hemorrhoid surgeries, and cyst excisions.
Do I have to see the doctor before I can schedule surgery?
Yes. At our facility, we are committed to the well-being of our patients, and due to the various kinds of medical conditions that can negatively affect surgery, we believe a thorough history and physical, as well as physical examination, is necessary to ensure a safe surgical outcome.
How soon should I expect my surgery to be scheduled following my New Patient appointment?
If surgery is recommended, there are a number of aspects that must be taken into consideration in order for us to determine how quickly your procedure can be scheduled. Depending on your medical history, we may need to consult your primary physician and/or cardiologist, to be confident that you are healthy enough to undergo surgery. We will also need to obtain authorization from your insurance company, so it is very important that you provide us with up-to-date insurance information to that this process can be completed expeditiously.
I am taking numerous medications; do I really need to bring in all of the medication bottles?
We understand that this aspect of your New patient appointment may be inconvenient; however, in order to prevent medical errors, we have found this to be the most effective way to obtain correct, pertinent medication information.